Unit 1 - research techniques

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Task 1 [P1 M1 D1]

Definition of Market Research:
Gathering and analysis of information about the moving of goods or services from producer to consumer. Marketing research covers three wide areas: market analysis, which yields information about the marketplace; product research, which yields information about the characteristics and desires for the product; and consumer research, which yields information about the needs and motivations of the consumer. The results of marketing research will supply facts needed to make marketing decisions and will determine the extent and location of the market for a product or service

In order to complete market research there a number of headings which come inbetween this. Below I will explain a few.

Audience data: This is when the adertisers try and find out information about the audience. Research to establish readership, audience, and circulation data, which is vital information in advertising. Research into television audiences is undertaken by BARB (Broadcasters' Audience Research Board).

Audience awareness: This involves the advertisers or producers thinking about what type of audience will see their product. Writers have to do this all the time, they have to think about who will read the newspaper and then they must adjust it so the reader can understand. It is about thinking about the target audience.

Product reach: When a product is been created, it must be considered how far the product can be marketed so how far dues its product reach go. An example would be of our multi-media project: Friday World. It is only aired in school so that is as far as its product reach can go. An example on a larger scale would be the series Friends. I has a large product reach as it is aired on many channels in many countries but also sold on DVD which extends its product reach.

Audience Profiling: Audience Profiling involves finding out the profile of your audience before hand so that you can put across your message to the right people in the most effective way to produce the best result. It might include details like age, sex, educational qualification, work experience, financial background, field of work, interests, mood, orientation, bias, food habits, religious background, psysique, health condition etc.

Consumer Behaviour: Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy product. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.

Consumer attitudes: Consumers are individuals with likes and dislikes. When the preponderance of people in a particular group feel one way or another about a product, service, entity, person, place or thing, it is said to be a generalized consumer attitude that could affect the marketing of that person, product or entity in positive or negative ways. Marketers strive to influence consumer attitudes, and understanding the prevailing attitude is the first step to changing it if needed.

Competitors Analysis: When forming new business strategies within a company or creating a new product, managers must consider the strategies of the firms competitors. Competitors analysis includes obtaining information about important competition then using this information to analyse the competitors behaviour. The aims of competitor analysis is to change the competitors behaviours to advantage the firm, find which competitors to compete with and overcome and also find out the plans of other companies for similar products.

Avdertising placement: An ad placement is a specific group of ad units on which an advertiser can choose to place their ads using placement targeting. Ad placements can be as broad as an entire website or as specific as a single ad unit. Placements are made visible to advertisers in two ways:

*Placements automatically created by our system. Each publisher website in the AdSense network is automatically made available to advertisers as a placement where they can target their ads. When advertisers target this type of placement, their ads may appear anywhere on the website.

*Placements defined by publishers. You have the ability to define your own ad placements using your custom channels. You choose how to group together specific ad units on your website that you wish to make available for advertisers to target. Common ways of grouping ad units include by topic, ad format, or location on a page. When advertisers target publisher-defined ad placements, their ads may only appear in the specific ad units the publisher has selected.

Those are all key elements of market research. By using each of these key point, producers and companies can create the best result which appeal to there target audience and be successful. Below I have created a table to show which area of market research I have used within my coursework over the last two years.

Understand the purposes of research in the media industries

Market Research

In the media industry when producers are creating out they carry out many different types of market research so they can achieve a fantastic end product. One of the examples of research is audience profiling which means finding everything about the audience, so this would involve age, gender, and all the personal details. If I were creating a newspaper I would have to consider my audience awareness so who would read my newspaper, the primary and secondary target audience, knowing this I could create a newspaper which my target audience would understand. Consumer attitudes are always taken into account when developing the products because the opinions of the consumer are very important and will usually affect the success of a product. BMRB is one of the leading market researchagencies in the UK; it has been running for over 75years and has even worked with Cadburys Milk. BMRB are responsible for looking at internet users behaviour, this is monitored through software which can be downloaded onto computers. This Internet monitoring lets BMRB see what people use the internet for and even what the users attitudes are towards advertising over the Internet. Advertising is very important when it comes to media market research as it allows us to see which way is the most effective to advertise a product but also ways which are not effective. This is helpful when trying to find out the different types of advertising effects. BMRB work closely with consumers and media agencies to increase audience share:http://www.bmrb.co.uk/media/television/.[1]

In market research is it essential to find out how far a certain product will go and who it will attract, without finding out the extent of the product reach will depend on how much product and money can be It has to be taken into account about when people watch television when they do and what time, his is watching and recording consumer behaviour. The Company Barb is responsible for this. The Company Barb *is the organisation, which is responsible for providing the official measurement Uk television audiences used throughout the television industry. That basically means Barb provides the estimate numbers of people who are watching television. BARB set up in 1971 and now provides homeTV-viewing measurements for the UK, this information is obtained from a panel of 5,100 and because there is usually 2 or above people living in a home the return data is 11,500.

The research Barb carries out is part of competitor analysis. If the company are conducting a survey they arrange to have the survey at the householders home.

This is primary research. BARB also carry out lifestyle insight surveys, this includes attitude, spending habits and interest across the public in the UK. The survey showed that 42% o

f people enjoy watching sports on television, but it also showed the only 1% of the population will actually use a mobile phone to watch television, this is quite significant and advertising new shows or products via mobile phones would probably prove quite unsuccessful.

Production Research

The content of a production is essential as you need to know what the production is about or else there is nothing to produce. At my school we have a weekly show, which is broadcasted, around the school on Fridays. To create a content that would appeal to everyone, it would be helpful to create a survey or watch previous shows and look at the viewing figures to see which sort of shows received great viewing figures. The resources for the production are two sets of people, personnel and talent. Personnel are the people who work behind the scene and make sure everything runs smooth and make sure the talent know what is going on. An example of a member of the personnel team would be someone involved in admin, someone who takes care of the pay roll and make

s sure the set and props are all correctly set up. Another job the personnel do is take care of the costs, finance and location of where the production will be set.

The table below is an example of how much it costs to run a production, this is what personnel will keep an eye on The personnel are the none creative side of a production team. The talent are the creative side of the production team. The talent are the people who will take part in the production; this may include newsreaders, presenters and even just extras. Also scriptwriters and directors can be seen at the talent as they play a big part in the production.

If I was to create a production I would have to consider the ways my product would be casted. I would choose to broadcast my product on television on a terrestrial channel so everyone would be able to access it. Then for people who have missed my product I would have a pod cast on an hour later which will be available on the channel website. These methods of broadcasting and accessible and most people have access to a television or a computer.

Definition of Production research:

Production research is all about seeing how a production has worked before, what works well with it and what the audience enjoy. This is a peice of information which is included within market research.